Monday, February 4, 2008

Head First.....

Well I need to write, I couldn't care less if anyone even reads this. The only way that I figure to get writing is to jump in, well.............. head first.

Don't you feel that we are truly on the cusp of something? The only problem is that I can't quite figure out whether its going to be "good" or "bad." Well I mean "good" or "bad" for me. This isn't even a 2012 thing, well maybe it is. What if something really comes of all this 2012 hoopla? I guess that would be good, at least I would have something more than my sorry self to write about. I want to be one of the great informers on the internet. Shaking people out of their set patterned existence. I'm afraid that I'll come off more like a selfish toddler banging on pots and pans for attention, than the late great Terrence Mckenna. Whatever, fuck the grown-ups anyway (I'm 24 shhhhhh). I know, I know....... I live in perpetual adolescence, who said that was so bad anyway? What a great time of life, always learning something, our minds haven't been snapped shut by cynicism, or clouded with the soup of chemicals we feel we need to cope. In this blog, what a stupid word....ok, ok. In this blog, I want to provide a concise source of web information that I find to be the most interesting, engaging, or just most fucking RAD. Yes, I know that I use other peoples work to gain some sort of voice(hell, I'll take a squeak) in the vacuum we call the internet.

The first site That I want to pimp is I'm sure that everyone who is reading this right now already knows what NORML is. I just want to be safe and cover this anyway. With all the knowledge we have about how marijuana is NOT even close to being bad for you, it is disgusting to think that it is still illegal. This organization is dedicated to making marijuana legal. I guess legal is the wrong word, decriminalized is more accurate. If you smoke marijuana than you owe it tou yourself to get off the couch, brush the fucking Lay's crumbs off your pants, and get up and do something. At least learn something new and tell somebody about the amazing fact that you just burned into your brain. I doubt you're that much of a burn out. If you are put the pipe down for a couple day's and live in the real world. All those weed naps really can't be that good for you. Your getting fat, get a grip man. Our apathy is going to be our downfall, and I really don't like falling down.

I want to leave you all with a video. This is amazing, is there a new Jim Henson out there that I'm not aware of? I doubt it, I doubt we will see this kind of genius again for at least 20 years.

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